Classes and business operations at the GCU Campus are currently remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The staff remains available to assist you by phone and email.

The university is in the process of phasing out future in-person instruction at this location. Students currently enrolled at the GCU campus will be able to continue their studies online or at other campuses. GCU is committed to continuing to serve its students through its high-quality and convenient online programs for its students across the world.


Georgia City University is dedicated to ensuring an outstanding educational experience for our student body while preparing them for dynamic careers. A degree from GCU can give you a competitive advantage over your peers. All of our degree programs are self-paced, and designed for flexibility; when trying to maintain a career, we believe it is essential that degrees can adapt to the needs of the students.

Convert Previous University Credits

At Georgia City University, we accept & grant the course exemption related to credit transfer to our students. In this way, the students can complete their degree or program in a shorter period!

Convert Professional Training in Credits

At Georgia City University, we enable our students to complete their degrees in a very short period. We allow them to convert their professional training into university credits at our institute. All we require is the proper documentation detailing their professional training.

Convert Professional Experience in Credits

Here, we make it easier for the students to convert their professional experience into university credits. The Georgia City University aims to make higher-quality learning accessible to all the students around the globe.

Pace your Journey towards Earning your Degree

Professional Learning Evaluations

GCU assesses corporate training programs and licenses and transforms it into credit for your degree program, so you do not have to re-learn the skills you already know and can pace up your education. If your training is covered under any of the following six area, get it evaluated for credits

  • • Corporate trainings
  • • Industry learning
  • • Professional licenses
  • • Certifications
  • • Apprenticeship
  • • Technical courses
Life Experience Evaluation

GCU takes into account the adult students coming from diverse backgrounds and offers such students a path to receive college credits for skills they have mastered outside the traditional classroom. To get your life experience evaluated for credit, submit an experiential essay on one of the following approved topics.

  • • Arts & Humanities
  • • Social Sciences
  • • Legal & Law
  • • Health Sciences
  • • Interdisciplinary-electives
  • • Science/technology

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